Rizk Haddad
Rotana Group Leadership training In Dubai
"Hi Mark,
I wonder on which part of the planet you might be, lecturing a “lucky” bunch of executives about a so called “leadership course” … I like to call it “the philosophy of life”… A life changing course, by all means…
I have realized that the first thing you need to focus on is with yourself… That personal growth comes first. I learned to understand the importance of life balance, the importance of nurtition, and energy management.
No one will love you and believe in you, if you don’t love yourself and believe in yourself first… Now, I am exercising 3 time per week, and aiming to increase that to 5, once I build on my stamina. I am drinking
more water and trying to improve my nutrition. I also exercise the soul and the mind, through music in the morning allowing me to dream and see ahead, feel my vision and my goal… a man without a dream is a dead man… all this to re-energize… being positive… being happy. I want to break my comfort zone and unleash the leader in me… And as Helier Bridges said” I am not here to make a living, I am here to make a difference”
What is really important for me is I have now the 10 principles of leadership and life and coaching skills and I carry them with me."